I am thoroughly enjoying the BBC2 series "British Style Genius" at the moment. Last week's was fantastic with Vivienne Westwood, John Galliano and Alexander McQueen doing their rebel bit. Do you remember McQueen's bumsters when he first showed them?
Anyhoo, last night was "By Royal Appointment" - The Country Look. It was very British indeed. I want a Barbour now! The programme celebrated all things countrified - tartan, tweed, oilskin, florals, headscarves and brogues. A great look if you can pull it off. Luella Bartlley was talking about the inspirations for her collections - classic British that has "gone wrong"! I love Luella's pieces - we've got in stock the Deputy jacket that Luella was wearing in the interview - amazingly well cut, with a touch of humour in the shoulders. It's £325 and is a great price for a jacket that you'll wear for years and years.